Keeping a Gratitude Journal

Photo via Pinterest.

Lately I have been keeping a gratitude journal. Each morning I write down two things:

  • my intention for the day
  • a list of things I’m grateful for in my life

The intentions can be pretty simple…
Today my intention is to be aware of what the universe is offering me.

Today my intention is to live fearlessly out of love, and to stay present in the moment.

Today my intention is to give away what I can, and to be at peace no matter what circumstances arise.

Today my intention is to practice awareness of my root chakra, my base, my core self. I will breathe through any challenges and keep a flexible mind.

And the lists are eye-opening, even as I write them. Memories of experiences and heartfelt conversations resurface in my mind. I consciously take notice of the beauty that surrounds me. I feel more grounded, more patient, more whole.

Today I am grateful for:
  • The wind in my hair during our walk by the lake, and the fact that we didn’t care it was pouring rain
  • The peacefulness I felt in savasana last night, and how waking up was like coming into my own body again in a new way
  • Coconut water
  • Seeing my breath because it’s fall now
  • New beginnings
  • Quiet time alone
  • The chance to do yoga in nature
  • Deep conversations with friends

Simply bringing gratitude into my awareness at the beginning of the day has a huge impact. I am more in tune with life’s tiny blessings – moments that might seem ordinary as I experience them, and which are truly rich and beautiful. I am also more conscious of the way I can be grateful for experiences even if they are challenging. I can choose to be grateful no matter what happens. I can ground myself and remember how blessed I truly am.

During the day, if negative thoughts or emotions surface, I return to my inward sense of thankfulness. I create a mental list of things I’m grateful for and I can feel my mood shift, almost as though a sense of warmth is coming over my physical body.

These little journal entries keep me grounded. As I write them, I continue to fall more and more in love with my life

Do you keep a gratitude journal?