Happy HallOMween!

Hey beautiful yogis! Happy Halloween :)

I hope you're celebrating and enjoying festivities today.

I decided to dress up as a recently-tattooed yogi… :)

I met up with Jennifer at Leonardi Tattoo last night to start working on my half sleeve again, and I couldn’t be more stoked about how the piece on my shoulder turned out. The mountain scene is a little tribute to Mother Earth, nature, and the importance of being present (as inspired by Lake Tahoe and life in California). I see the flowers as a representation of the divine feminine – of beauty, strength, self-acceptance and love.

It’s been wonderful wearing my heart and my art on my sleeve today (ha!) and it’s so fun seeing other people light up when they notice the new ink. Looking forward to showing my yogi friends at the studio tonight, too!

Did you dress up today?

We had a cupcake decorating contest at work, and I have plans to go salsa dancing after yoga class tonight. I’ll be rocking the masquerade mask :)

Photos via Pinterest.

Hope you guys are having a blast practicing yoga as ghosts and zombies!