Wild Thing (You Make My Heart Sing)

Photo via Geeky Yogini.

Lately I've been working on my Wild Thing pose. Do you guys know this one? 

It's also referred to as "flipping the dog" since you come into it by starting in Downward Facing Dog, and then transferring weight to one side of the body and arching backward.

Camatkarasana pose (known as “Wild Thing”) is such a fun, playful, energetic posture. And it's challenging! You need a lot of strength in your shoulders and core to do it.

Do any of you have any Wild Things tips? I'd love to hear them.
Above photo via Leigh Ferrara Yoga.  Below photo via Yoga Union CWC. 

Here's a little description from Yoga Journal on getting into the pose:
From Downward Dog, bring your weight into your right hand and roll onto the outer edge of your right foot. Step your left foot back and place your toes on the floor with your knee bent at 90 degrees. Exhale and, keeping your right leg straight, push your body away from the floor. Use your legs and buttocks to lift your tailbone and hips as high as you can, until you are almost standing on your right foot. Keep breathing and curl your head back, extending your left arm from your heart and expressing your power and freedom.
To see "Wild Thing" in action, check out this video from Amy Ippoliti and Julieta Claire:

Here's to open hearts as you get your "Wild Thing" on!